Oh boy! it's that time of year again. I had been putting off Kumoricon thinking that I didn't feel like going but of course I changed my mind at the last moment. It was held at the Double Tree by Lloyd Center again and I still can't help but laugh everytime someone who has never seen this stuff before stares as they walk, ride, or drive by. Being that I waited until the last minute I missed Pre-reg so I got to spend 5 hours in line. Weee! It wasn't so bad though, I waited with some good people and there were sandwiches involved.
Surviving the registration process I proceded to do what I do every 'con, buy stuff and take pictures. I don't do much of either anymore as I already have a zillion megabytes of con photos eating up HD space on my computer but hey, it beats sitting around the house. I liked the vender room selection this year. I don't really follow a specific anime but I like some and I enjoy Japanease culture so I am not really looking for the limited edition action figure from *insert anime here* but I did like the
hand made and small shop items like the EMOblock plushies and some handmade katamari phone charms. I also ran into a really neat Kimono booth run by KimonoMomo
http://www.kimonomomo.com/ .
I had a Kimono that I had bought cheap at Sakuracon a year or two ago but haven't worn much because I was missing some pieces. The lady there was really nice and helpful and set me up with the remaining pieces (plus some extras lol) and showed me how to put it all on without it falling off or needing 4 hands to do it. The Obi is the hardest part (the 'belt' ). It is about 10 feet long and depending on how fancy you want to get, is a pain to tie. I make a simple bow on the back but it is still kinda tricky. She also showed me how to store the kimono (not on hangers!) so that they would last. Some of my kimono stuff (like the Haori in the picture) is pre- WW2 so I don't want it to get in any worse shape. None of my kimono stuff is very fancy but for a con like this it is fun to wear.
Overall, I had fun. I think next time I will definity be pre-registering though so I don't have to repeat the 5 hour in line bit though.
*grrr bad formatting *twitch*.... oh well. I don't feel like fixing it.*
Surviving the registration process I proceded to do what I do every 'con, buy stuff and take pictures. I don't do much of either anymore as I already have a zillion megabytes of con photos eating up HD space on my computer but hey, it beats sitting around the house. I liked the vender room selection this year. I don't really follow a specific anime but I like some and I enjoy Japanease culture so I am not really looking for the limited edition action figure from *insert anime here* but I did like the
http://www.kimonomomo.com/ .
I had a Kimono that I had bought cheap at Sakuracon a year or two ago but haven't worn much because I was missing some pieces. The lady there was really nice and helpful and set me up with the remaining pieces (plus some extras lol) and showed me how to put it all on without it falling off or needing 4 hands to do it. The Obi is the hardest part (the 'belt' ). It is about 10 feet long and depending on how fancy you want to get, is a pain to tie. I make a simple bow on the back but it is still kinda tricky. She also showed me how to store the kimono (not on hangers!) so that they would last. Some of my kimono stuff (like the Haori in the picture) is pre- WW2 so I don't want it to get in any worse shape. None of my kimono stuff is very fancy but for a con like this it is fun to wear.
Overall, I had fun. I think next time I will definity be pre-registering though so I don't have to repeat the 5 hour in line bit though.
*grrr bad formatting *twitch*.... oh well. I don't feel like fixing it.*
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