Well I have either lost it or something.. My apprenticeship math book has been driving me nuts so I am going to just get it over with. I don't know how long the strike will last but I am going to get as close to *done* with this thing as I can. I am already burnt out on it so what's a little more insanity eh? ;)

Current chapter: 24 of 105
Last updated: 9/8
What's even nicer about this pic? The book only has ODD numbered answers!

Current chapter: 24 of 105
Last updated: 9/8
What's even nicer about this pic? The book only has ODD numbered answers!
Hey Kristin!
A whole lot of us are looking at your blog in Spokane. We want to know where the vomit comet pictures are?
Hey Rick! Thanks for stopping by my little space of internet!
The vomit comet pics should hopefully be online on SUNDAY. In an extreamly annoying turn of events I didn't get to go last month. So to make it up to me, Zero G is giving me a seat on one of their fancy ~$9,000 + seats no extra charge. I am *really* hoping they get it right this time because I have been through too much with this company to go through the hoops again.
I fly to Vegas on Saturday (the 13th)
My flight is this sunday (the 14th) and it will be a long day so look either late sunday or mid-day to evening monday. :)
*crossing fingers*
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